Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Time Flies When You're Chasing Badgers

Hi Sweet Badger Boy,

The last time I wrote to you, you were three weeks old. Now you're 15 months old, yesterday, actually. You've turned into quite the guy. A while back we started calling you The Badger. I was reading another blog and the woman described changing her son's diaper as "trying to change a rabid badger." I told Daddy and it stuck. The older boys call you Badger too.

You are rough and you are big! You've got a scar over your right eye and a chipped front tooth. You love to smash through whatever your brother are doing with a big toothy, crooked grin. You diddle-daddle all day long and make yourself known wherever you go. Your eyes are still wide but still blue, unlike my prediction that they would turn brown. You've got your daddy's face.

You are climbing already, much to my dismay. Turning out a lot like your Paxton brother. When you want a kiss, you smash your forehead into the mouth of whomever might be snuggling with you at the time. Trying to hold you is a bit like trying to hold a rabid badger. You smile and laugh but you can't hold still and you've caused more than one bruised head and fat lip during your snuggle time. You rarely like to be held to go to sleep. Mostly you want a bottle and a dark room.

Speaking of bottles, we've never seen a baby boy eat so much. You are amazing! When the brothers are done with their meals, they bring the leftovers to you. You always eat them all! When you run out of food on your plate, you throw it on the floor and scream until someone brings you more food. Even our friends can't believe how much food you can put away. I keep warning your brothers to be nice to you because one day, you'll be much bigger and stronger than them.

There are so many more amazing things about you my sweet one. I'll try to remember to keep telling you all about them here.

I love you always,
